Couch to 5K Training Week #6 Day #5
Labels: Couch to 5K
Jumping on the "Kick The Pig" wagon. Mostly it's about losing weight, but really it's about living a healthier lifestyle.
Labels: Couch to 5K
Labels: Couch to 5K
Had to pull myself up out of the gutter of gloom and get my butt in gear! I exercized on Saturday, but not on Sunday, Monday, or even Tuesday. Today I'm in catch-up mode. It seems that I'm running steady behind on the prescribed running schedule. Not to worry... so long as I'm progressing it's no big deal. I have no magic date in mind to finish. I hope to keep up with it for long-term, but for now just trying to reach a goal. A real goal. To run a 5K. I don't care if I run it like a turtle. I just want to say I can do it!
Labels: Couch to 5K
Since yesterday should have been a week #4 workout, but it wasn't... I did week #4's workout today. I admit, it was a little more difficult that I had imagined. I'm telling ya - I need those new shoes REALLY bad! I have some birthday money and a few other dollars stashed aside. I think I will use it for new shoes. Who am I kidding? Who has time for shopping?! It's been a crazy week and if things go as planned, it's not getting any easier.
Labels: Couch to 5K
This morning I did the prescribed workout for week #3, but with an extra 3 minute run. I will start week #4's prescribed workouts this week.
Labels: Couch to 5K
So back on day #2 I was really dragging and digressed back to week #2's prescribed workout.
Labels: Couch to 5K
My tennis shoes are rather worn. No pun intended. They were hand-me-downs from my MIL a couple years back. I have worn them just about out. I need to shop for a new pair of shoes and I'd like to be sure to get just the right pair.
You know, vacations have a way of putting a dent in my best laid plans! I went away for a few days. Traveled in the car a lot. Was up in the wee hours of the AM and the late late hours of night. Oh it was fun, but my routine took a turn for the worst.
Labels: Couch to 5K
Ok so the last few days have really been a struggle for me. I really am convinced that it is at least partially weather related and partially diet related. I'm feeling much better this morning! YIPPE!!!
Labels: Couch to 5K
Lucky for me today is not a training day. I'm still dragging when it comes to steppin it up a notch. What the heck! I'm so annoyed by my achy body. I really think it's the weather's affect on me.
Labels: Couch to 5K