Checking In
So yesterday I didn't do too bad. My log says I may have gone over on fats a little. (darn blue cheese) All else is in check. My next hurdle will be tracking my consumed stats DURING the day. I update it every night/morning. What's happening is that I am now more aware of my habits. I found myself contemplating over what to have for lunch yesterday that wouldn't send my stats sky-rocketing. So it's working... but will be more effective if I pay better attention to them throughout the day. This will help me to better plan each meal so as to stay within certain limits.
So... it's a work in progress. I also need to MOVE more. I need to find a way to make it a priority. I have so many of those right now. Sheesh!
Do you use SparkPeople to track your stats?
So how did your first week go? Mine got off to a slow start but finished pretty well. It felt long though, working a whole 5 days in a row :).
To be honest the holidays felt more like 4 weeks long, not 2 with Christmas and New Years being mid week they felt more like weekends, so the time felt like 4 weeks :)
Anyway, I need to go make my coffee, I just finished breakfast of fat free peach yogurt, granola, raisins and grapes all mixed up in a bowl together. It was yummy, like eating dessert for breakfast :) No idea how may calories, I'm hoping about 300, but I'm likely wrong :)
Yes, I do use SP. Way to go on your first week. Mine pretty much bombed! I have not been good. Finally finished a big meeting last night, and took tomorrow off to re-focus. Can't wait!!
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