Kickin JennyV's Pig

Jumping on the "Kick The Pig" wagon. Mostly it's about losing weight, but really it's about living a healthier lifestyle.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Couch to 5K Training Week #6

I'm a little off kilter. I was ill on Saturday and that threw my schedule off. I didn't finish the prescribed workout for Week #5. My third training day was supposed to be 20 minutes of running with no walking (besides warmup). Hmmm...

Today is week #6 Day #2. Having not exercised for a few days, I thought I'd take it easy. Surprisingly after about 3 minutes of my walking warmup I felt pretty energized. I decided to do the prescribed workout for Wk5 Workout 2. I was supposed to walk 5, run 8, walk 5 run 8. So instead I walked 5 ran 10, walked 5 ran 10. Looking at the instructions it seems that I have skipped over Wk #6 Workout #1 and gone straight to workout #2. Oh well. It felt good.

No weights or crunches for me today. Running was good. I'm so excited to be doing so well. I just wish there was someone who would like to run a race with me.

In other news I should be seeing my doctor in a couple of weeks and I'm anxious for her to assess my progress. Here's hoping that my labs show some positive changes!

My Darling Hubby got me an MP3 player for my birthday. Did I tell you that already? I REALLY needed some tunes for my runs. He's so very thoughtful! It really helps me to pick up the pace.



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