Kickin JennyV's Pig

Jumping on the "Kick The Pig" wagon. Mostly it's about losing weight, but really it's about living a healthier lifestyle.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

First Kick

I started today with a bowl of oatmeal, sprinkle of sugar, and 2 cups of coffee with NO FAT cream. The doc says I need to eat more oatmeal because it's good for my cholesterol.

Lunch was a handful of chopped potatos with a small serving of Healthy Choice smoked sausage and a spoonful of cottage cheese. I drank 2 tall glasses of water before lunch.

Then I went walking. It's raining here in Western PA. I tried out this new trail despite the rain. I usually prefer to walk on the pavement. Keith usually prefers to walk off-road. Today I went alone and would have made him proud walking in the woods. Anyway - that was about an hours worth of exercise.

After walk - consuming my 3rd tall glass of water. Finshed now and ready for a re-fill. I had a low-fat cheese stick for a snack at 3pm.

Dinner is on. We are having homemade broccoli soup. I'll put a little bit of cheese in it, but not as much as usual. If Keith want's more, he can top his off with more as a garnish.

After dinner plans - We have tickets to "Late Nite Catechism."

Other Pig Kickers

If you are a Pig-Kicker too and would like to be linked on my site, leave me a comment.


Hmm goals:

  • Increase awareness of habits - This is probably the largest hurdle. When we increase awareness of our habits, we become charged with the duty of analyzing them and mapping a route to overcome the poor habits. My first step in completing this task is to record a synopsis of these habits right here in my blog.

  • Consume more water. It's good for me. I do make a point to drink some every day, but it's never enough.

  • Move more. I never get enough exercise. It is generally sporadic. Lately I have been riding horses at least once per week and walking at the park at least twice per week. I will ask Keith to hook up the VCR/DVD again so I can take advantage of some indoor exercise. Dare I dig out the treadmill?

  • Lose 10 pounds by Thanksgiving - November 23, 2006. What is the reward if I do? Perhaps a piece of pecan pie. YUM.

  • Lose 20 pounds by New Years - This would justify a reward of a new outfit - and not one off the clearance rack!

Jumping On The Wagon

This blog was inspired by another blogging friend, Kim, who was inspired by a friend of her's Julie. It's contagious! C'mon everybody, jump on the wagon.. the "Kick The Pig" wagon!

For some reason I just like that phrase. I feel like a pig after I've gone and overindulged in whatever. I just want to kick myself! Ha!

So how do we get started? Well, I think I should take some "before" photos. Oh yuk. Do I have to? Well, I'm home alone right now, so I will wait until hubby gets home and have him take some. I'll post later.

I probably should make note of my weight/measurements, but PLEASE don't make me make that public! Let's just say that I could lose 100 pounds and be thinner than I ever remember being. I don't actually have a scale, but I get weighed at my doctor's office on a monthly basis. According to her records, I lost 3 pounds in the past month. I did take some measurements last month after my doctor appointment, so I will be tracking that too.

So what is this blog for? I will be setting goals for myself and tracking my consumption habits, my activity level, and my progress.

Encouragement welcome on this journey! If you want to Kick your Pig, then join us!