Kickin JennyV's Pig

Jumping on the "Kick The Pig" wagon. Mostly it's about losing weight, but really it's about living a healthier lifestyle.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Post-Holiday Pig Kicking

Back on the wagon??? Really??? Do I hafta??? It's so hard to get motivated. I must. I must. I must. Any push/encouragement is appreciated.

Breakfast - Oatmeal with a sprinkle of brown sugar and a splash of low-fat cream. (I'm out of milk)

Coffee - 1 cup with cream and also a half cup of tea.

Water - what's that?! I know. I know. I'm going to go get some already. Hmph. 20 Oz. with lunch. Working on a small bottle now.

Snack - None, but I just got a tiny box in the mail with a Christmas card from one of my doctor friends. I opened the little box (about the size of a ring box) and contained therein was ONE piece of chocolate. My co-worker and I giggled at the lonely chocolate. I guess I don't have to share this box of chocolate(s?). Ha ha ha... Well, for now it is tucked away. It was nice to be remembered. Ok - I did have about a cup of carmel popcorn.

Lunch - 3 chicken fingers. A scoop of mashed potatoes with a dribble of gravy. A spoonful of cooked mushrooms with a little bit of butter. YUM - O.

Exercise - again... Do I hafta??? Ugh!

Dinner - something sensible I hope. YES - a bowl of Great Grains whole grain cereal with about a cup of milk.


At 2:24 PM, Blogger odat_kim said...

I'm with ya Jenny, runnin' after that wagon. I put on 2 pounds over the 4 day weekend, so it's back on the wagon, I even took the dog for a walk.


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