What Day Is It?
As prescribed, I began my day with a 15 minute prayer walk. Today I opted to stay inside and use my treadmill. With sleepy eyes I tied my shoes and plodded down the steps to the old machine. It wasn't long before my thankful heart was praising God for yet another day. I always pray for my wonderful husband with thankfullness for his job and how he loves it so. I prayed for motivation, devotion, and determination as I'm on this quest, for God made me to be a certain way and I confess that I have botched it with laziness. So with a grateful heart I set out on yet another day of Pig Kickin'. Let's Kick It!!!!
- Breakfast - corn flakes with 2% milk
- Morning snack - Bran muffin
- Coffee - 2 cups with cream in the morning
- Mid-morning - 16 oz. glass of water
- Lunch - 1/2 turkey, cheddar, bacon on wheat with tomato, pickle, and mayo. Handful of fries. Side salad with bleu cheese - dipped.
- Large glass of water
- Afternoon snack - mini carrots
- Dinner - pork chop, smashed red potatoes, and a side salad
- 1 1/2 cups of grape juice with a little water added
- Bottle of water after work-out
Ok, having the usual after lunch blah feeling. I've got to keep pressing on. My afternoon walk isn't until 230pm. Skipped the afternoon walk. Shame on me! I just got overwhelmed with a project and time flew right by.
Now home, cooking dinner. Going to eat a real sit-down dinner with hubby, rest a spell, and then go to the gym for a cardio workout and weight training. YIPPIE! I'll be feeling much better in no time!
Went to the gym. Was supposed to do 15 minutes of moderately hard on the elliptical, but I think I picked either the wrong setting (fat-burning) or the wrong level of intensity because it was more than moderately hard. It was just plain hard. This was followed by a couple laps around the track and some simple weight training for my upper body. Not enough mind you. Keith was exhausted and sleep deprived. It was all he could do to just join me there. (although he did do a light workout) I can't get the hang of the ab-machine they have there. Either I can't adjust it right or it's just not for me. I think I'd rather just do crunches and sit-ups. I'd like to have some 5-10 pound dumbells at home. Hmm... now I need new shoes, a music source, and dumbells. G-wiz.
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