Kickin JennyV's Pig

Jumping on the "Kick The Pig" wagon. Mostly it's about losing weight, but really it's about living a healthier lifestyle.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Mid Week Pick Up

I made a huge pot of beef vegetable soup today... ahhh... YUMM-O

Breakfast was a bowl of Life cereal with 1% milk

Lunch - soup

Dinner - soup

Snacks - 10 potato chips -- tried to blast the temptation, but decided to control it instead. 10 mini carrots.

Water - not enough but working on it. 1 cup of herbal tea. 1 bottle of water.

Exercise: Yesterday I shoveled the driveway. Today Keith and I pushed out the neighbors car that was stuck behind our house. Make that now helping out two stuck neighbors. The next door lady just got stuck and was blocking the entrance to our parking spots.

Temptation Challenge: I craved ice cream all day long. I looked at it, but I looked past it. See snacks for more.



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