Kickin JennyV's Pig

Jumping on the "Kick The Pig" wagon. Mostly it's about losing weight, but really it's about living a healthier lifestyle.

Friday, December 29, 2006

Pressing On

Morning Pig Kickers. Motivation is definitely something I lack these days. Every night I confess to Keith... "I didn't exercise today. I need to exercise." Ugh!

Breakfast - Select Grains Whole Grain cereal with 2% milk.

Coffee - yes. Keith just made me a breve latte with his new fancy espresso machine. I'm so impressed. It's made with espresso and low-fat cream. Having an afternoon cup now.

Vitamin & Aspirin - yes.

Water - Not doing so hot on this topic... 20 oz with lunch.

Snack - 8 crackers and a spoonful of artichoke dip

Lunch - 1/2 of a turkey in a wheat pita and a handful of baked chips

Exercise -

Dinner -


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